Book named “Gold Winner” in Non Fiction category.

The Nonfiction Author’s Association recently awarded The Art of Strategic Communication the highest book award, a Gold Winner, in the most recent book awards. “A guidebook for anyone in the law enforcement field. The author is very experienced in the field, and this is relayed in the book in a very digested approach.“ The book […]

Kirkus review verdict on book: GET IT

Cook, a suburban Texas police chief and instructor, offers advice on how to craft messaging that puts law-enforcement, public-safety, and government agencies in the best light. The author has instructed thousands of people on various aspects of media relations as a social-media guru and PR specialist. However, when he graduated from the police academy in […]

Publishers Weekly Review of The Art of Strategic Communication

In this comprehensive communications resource for lawmakers and law enforcement officials, Cook, police chief of a Fort Worth suburb, shares through personal experience the importance of communication with the media and strategies for doing so effectively. Delving into the ever-changing avenues through which people receive information (social media, news media), and exploring specialized topics like […]